If you want to keep your Instagram account safe, it is really important to be aware of Instagram’s rules, restrictions, limits, and policies such as Like, Comment, Direct message, Follow, Unfollow latest Instagram algorithm, guideline, etc.

As an Instagram user, you should be aware of Instagram’s rules and restrictions to get high engagement and avoid getting banned. You might be interested in spending time on Instagram a lot and do lots of actions rapidly, but keep in mind that it may end up you in sorrow! Although some people find Instagram limits annoying, it is for our sake. In other words, Instagram recognizes spam, and it keeps our accounts safe.

Now let’s go through Instagram limits:

Instagram has updated its Ban Policy by pre-ban warning

Instagram users used to experience the account ban without getting the ban notification, while some users claimed that they didn’t violate Instagram’s Terms. The good news is that you won’t face the account ban without getting a notification anymore. In July 2019, Instagram made changes to the Instagram account’s disabling policy.

Now Instagram only bans the accounts that have violated a certain percentage of Instagram’s guidelines, and there is no way to get around it! The process is crystal clear; Instagram sends a pre-ban warning to users who have violated Instagram’s policy and warns them that they are at the risk of being shut down. The notification includes that there was a recent violation and how users should act to prevent Instagram from shutting down their accounts.

Fortunately, Instagram is making the platform a safer and more supportive place for all its users. The new change in Instagram’s ban policy might make parents feel relaxed about their children while they are spending time on Instagram.

“We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram to protect the community”

This is an error while you pass the Instagram rules and restrictions of Instagram actions including likes, comments, follow, unfollow, and direct messages. The truth is that there are no certain limitations for those on Instagram as long as if Instagram does NOT detect your behaviors unusually.

If it does, it will block your actions from like, comment, follow, unfollow, and direct message and in severe cases from post to feed and stories.

If Instagram has limited your actions, you should wait until Instagram removes it. it may take up to two weeks for Instagram to remove the blocked actions.

What are the forbidden contents on Instagram?

There are some strict rules on Instagram that everyone just has to follow; let’s know the forbidden content on Instagram that no one should ever use on Instagram:

  • Buying and selling firearm
  • Buying and selling alcohol
  • Buying and selling tobacco
  • An illegal prescription drug (even if legal in your region)
  • Sale of live animals
  • Online gambling
  • Sexual content
  • Hate speech
  • Blackmailing or harassing someone
  • Encourage the violence
  • Threats of physical harm, financial harm, vandalism, etc.
  • Encouraging people to embrace self-injury
  • Videos of intense and violence

What should you do if someone violates Instagram rules?

There is a team on Instagram that reviews reports, and if they notice any violation, they’ll remove the content. So, you should send a report whenever you notice something that violates Instagram’s policy.

Also, Instagram lets users send an appeal to defend themselves and explain the reason that they have shared such content on Instagram directly from the Instagram app and Instagram’s help center.

Instagram Introduces New Weight Loss and Cosmetic Surgery Ad Restrictions

Instagram is trying to protect the physical and mental health of its users that announced it restricts some ads that would harm people.

If you are an influencer follower, you might have seen the period that your Instagram feed was full of weight loss products advertised by most of the Instagram influencers. Got tired of seeing too much of them? From now on, you will see fewer weight loss products on the Instagram feed because of Instagram’s new rules and policies.

According to the new guideline, the weight loss products will only be shown to Instagram users who are over 18 years old. Instagram announced it asks users’ age in order to set the posts that you should see or not according to your age. Then Instagram will provide an option to report posts that violate the new guideline.

All Instagram limitations

Now let’s talk about Instagram’s Like, Follow/ Unfollow, comment, tag, etc. limits:

Keep in mind that there are no official statements about Instagram’s follow/ unfollow, like, comment, etc. limits, but according to experiences, we have found Instagram’s limitations. Depending on your account and the previous account activities that Instagram has seen you do, it is all different from different people.

It depends on a lot of factors, and no one knows the specific number of limitations, but it is not impossible to know. These are some important factors that have a significant effect on your actions:

  • The age of your Instagram account
  • The number of your followers
  • Your account’s engagement
  • Your account’s activity

Obviously, the new account’s limitation is way more than the aged account. Accounts with a higher engagement rate are allowed to do actions more than inactive accounts.

Just keep in mind that Instagram is not stupid. They look at your past behaviors on Instagram and then decide whether or not you look natural.

Instagram Follow/ unfollow limit

Following and unfollowing are count as the same actions. The daily limit is 200 a day. 10 follows and unfollows per hour would keep your account safe and saves your account from being suspended. Also, there is no limit on how many people can follow you.

Remember to start slow and then gradually increase the number of following and unfollowing week by week.

For example:

Week 1: 50 follow/unfollow per day
Week 2: 100 follow/unfollow per day
Week 3: 150 follow/unfollow per day

Make sure that you are not spamming Instagram.

Instagram Likes limit

The maximum number is 1000 a day. But it is not the same for all Instagram users. In order to keep your account safe and not locked out, you should be satisfied with less than 700 likes per day.

Instagram Comments limit

It is about 180 to 200 per day. Don’t post the same comment over and over. Instagram recognizes duplicate comments, and it would punish your account for what you did. And don’t leave emojis without text as a comment, they look like spam.

Instagram Caption/comment character limit

Instagram users are free to use 2200 characters in captions and comments.

Instagram Direct messages limit

About 50 to 80 new conversations per day are the safe zone.

NoteIf you are a new Instagram user, your total action limit is 500 a day. This includes Like, Comment, Follow, unfollow. Also, you can send 20 to 50 direct messages a day.

Now by knowing these limits, we are going to know what are the best ways to grow your followers on Instagram.

Instagram Hashtag limit

Choosing the right hashtag would capture people’s attention, and you’ll get more Likes and Followers. But don’t overuse them. You should use up to 30 hashtags per post.

Instagram IGTV limit

As you know, Instagram rolled out IGTV about a year ago which lets you share the video. You can create videos for up to 10 minutes, but some users can post up to one-hour-long video.

Instagram Story limit

The story limitation is for users who share too many stories. You can add up to 100 stories.

Instagram Story highlight limit

Fortunately, there is no limit to story highlights.

Instagram Tag limit

If you are interested in tagging people, you should know that the maximum number is 20.

Instagram Mention limit

You can mention up to 10 Instagram users per post.

Instagram Account name character limit

There is also a limitation to the number of characters that an Instagram account can have, which is 30 characters.

Number of Instagram bio characters limit

The characters in bio cannot be over 150 characters.

Instagram Daily post’s limitation limit

All Instagram users can post as many posts as possible every day, and there is no limitation for daily Instagram posts.

Sharing photo and video limit

None of Instagram users are allowed to copy content and share it as their own content. Also, nude images are forbidden on Instagram, but nudity is allowed in painted photos and sculptures.

You may be worried that you are going to spend all day on Instagram for liking and commenting on and off until the account explodes! So that won’t work.


Although everyone should follow Instagram rules, some people don’t! And their account ends up in a temporary ban and a decrease in engagement. Never underestimate Instagram’s privacy policy; it can easily ban your Instagram account temporarily or even permanently!

If you break Instagram’s rules, it will temporarily ban your account which would take two weeks to restore your account to normal mode. During the shadowban, Instagram won’t let you do any actions such as Like, Comment, etc. That’s why you should be careful with Instagram limits and choose the best Instagram bot.

Stay in with your limits, keep it natural, no more than 1000 likes a day, no more than 180 to 200 comments a day, not just emoji, start targeting, the better you target, the better the audience you build.